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DeepSky  -  continued


Detail Flight Sequence:

1. Emergency Escape Rocket Booster
     Craft has one LES as emergency escape rocket booster at rear in the body.  More, 3 emagency escaping seat for 3 crews each. Vehicle's rearest space has occupied with gimbal nozzle.

2. Normal launching
      In normal status, after booster combustion, booster rocket is saparated from craft by explosion bolts. After separation, one shot retrofiring rocket lets the empty booster body slow down for causing free fall.

      Then recovery phase has started by releasing  recovery parachute. Finally booster rocket is recovered and given repairment and maintance for reuse. 

      Booster rocket has equivalently spaced 3 retro rockets on its round.
      After booster separation, craft LES is separated. Craft drogue parachute with LES linkage/separation mechanism has settle at rear end of craft.

      Also jointed rear landing gear and craft drogue parachute unit is slided with throw away mounted LES and is separated at end of craft cylinder for removing from LES.

3. Emergency Escaping Sequence at launching
      In boost phase in a launching, watch-dog monitor senses signal coming from combustion chamber to calculate and simulate a combustion state to inspect explosion timing.

      If the monitor judges explode is critically closed, the monitor sends a command to ignite explosive bolts in the booster separation mechanism.

      Then, booster and craft are started to separate each other before explode starts.

      Simultaneously, the monitor sends a command to ignite throw away LES mounted in the craft to escape away from explosing booster.        
      Once LES invoked, first, let crews escape. If successfully separation is gone well, LES carries craft to 1000m vertically upper and 1000m horizontally distanced located position.
      Next,  jointed rear landing gear and craft drogue parachute unit is slided with throw away mounted LES and is separated at the end of craft cylinder for removing from LES.
      Last, craft drogue parachute is released. If booster separation mechanism or LES works not well, emergency escape sequence in the
      cockpit will be started. The  detonation cord  detonates to crash the canopy.  Simultaneously, ignite emergency escape seat booster rocket to let crews escape outer of the craft.

      Then, escaping delay must be compensated by function of extra strong airframe or hard cover to hold explosion down.
      After emergency escape seat carries crews up to 1000m vertically and 1000m horizontally distanced location, each crews in each seat throwout by releasing seatbelt.

      Crews fall down by parachutes. After that, system confirm any crews and seats are not on the overhead, then one shot retro rocket is ignited and seats rise to more 100m over top,

      and then recovery parachute is released for avoiding collision with crews.

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